
!!!!!!! FAKLEMPT !!!!!!!!!


!!!!! Weepihood of Joy !!!!!!!!

!!!!! Huge Sigh Of Relief At This Imperfect, But Good Start!!!!!!

!!!!! Enormous Shout-Outs To The Obama!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!! Great Requests For A What-What !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!! Tender Embraces For The Americans Who Can Have Still More Hope !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

La Belette Rouge said...

Amen to all of the above!!!

And, OMG!!! You and I have oodles of poodles in common. Le Weasel? J'adore you! I totally believe you about Julia Cameron. And what a synchronicity about L.A., Chicago and Jamie Cat Callan. Are there rumors that you have a twin sister that you were seperated from at birth? I loved your blog/writing/you before and now I love you MORE!